These two characters were nabbed outside the bakery after an anonymous caller
reported suspicious activity. They call themselves Peet and Buttercup.
And they say they have followers.
The word on the street is that these two perpetrators have had
free reign since first appearing on the scene, early this year.
Proportionately speaking, they've been all over the map.
It's high time to curb these shenanigans.
The Design Police mandated a character study.
Tough stuff.
Or rather, tough fluff.
From the start, the duo eluded capture. By the time I got footprints,
they were both sporting shiners. The entire process bordered on obstinance
and defiance. Look! Even now, they misbehave.
Peet! Get your ears out of your eyes!
And Buttercup … please … remove the finger from your nose.
(They swear ~ they're not bad, they're just drawn that way.)
©2011 Mardi Speth All Rights Reserved • Watercolour & Ink