Monday, June 25, 2018

IF … Sheep

Ram in Moonlight ©2017 Mardi Speth • All Rights Reserved • Watercolor and Gouache
Ram on Sun ©2017 Mardi Speth • All Rights Reserved • Watercolor and Gouache
Ram on Hill ©2017 Mardi Speth • All Rights Reserved • Watercolor and Gouache
These three images were created in one creative burst where I experimented with a limited palette and different stylistic approaches. The series went from a more serious approach (at the top), to the outright ridiculous one seen here with crossed eyes and 'jumbo shrimp' horns. I like the black gouache … its lush, velvety quality is a nice contrast to the transparency of traditional watercolor.


  1. Well! -- I like number two the best!
    although 'outright ridiculous' has its charms as well...
    Number two has a nice simplicity underlying the character of the ram, and the warms balance nicely with the blackground.
    Your first one has the most personality.
    and I like the hooves in 'outright ridiculous' a lot.

    I think you do well in a series format.
    How about 3 more sheep?

  2. Thank you, Richard! I agree ... the warm colors on #2 make for a compelling image. Doing this series was fun and went very quickly because the images were small (5" x 5") and were ganged on one sheet of watercolor paper. It's definitely an approach I'll do more of!

  3. I like #1 best, but they're all wonderful :)
