Thursday, February 17, 2011

IF ... Sweater

©2011 Mardi Speth All Rights Reserved

Our paws met earth once again, but the flight had taken us quite a bit north
of familiar territory. We set out immediately for warm attire, as the chill
was advancing along with the night sky.


  1. very nice (and cozy) ~a lot of subtle storytelling here.
    The sly colors hidden in the shadows of the rabbit and the facade give it a warmth that parallels the implied ardor of your two characters. You do a really good job at conveying closeness with a minimum of facial expressions...not easily done.
    hmmm... that rabbit seems to be eyeing that cap. ~looks like a good day for the store owner!

  2. Love the characters.
    Love your style of illustration.
    Enjoying the story.
    You bring a warm glow to the world. Thank you.

  3. Wow ... thank you for your nice words. Richard, keeping the characters consistent from week-to-week has been my real challenge (they're still morphing!) while the Illustration Friday keeps the fun in it. Judith, I'm so tickled by your comment. Thank you.

  4. That's amazing! Very sweet characters!

  5. this is so absolutely adorable! made my morning!

  6. Lucky find! They got just what they we're looking for!

  7. very cute, I'm loving these characters

  8. I love your characters! and story...

  9. Aaa, Really like this! Great work:)

  10. What a wonderful illustration! I love the colors you used :)

  11. Very nice Mardi.
    The form of the rabbit and the subtle textures are especially well executed.
    The flat perspective of horizontals and verticals helps really the characters and is a nice contrast to the blustery uncertainty of the previous scene.
    So the sweater just costs one carrot? what a great deal!

  12. This is just prefect. Your style is wonderful.

  13. lovely lovely soft and sweet style! old school wc... '-))

  14. Really nice image. Love the rabbit.

  15. Love the continuing storyline Mardi! Great characters and such a perfect pose. (the way they are leaning toward each other) Great one :o)
