Tuesday, February 8, 2011

IF ... Reverse

Perhaps Rabbit should've been warned about Mouse's balloons.

 ©2011 Mardi Speth All Rights Reserved • Watercolour & Ink


  1. Best illustration I have seen for this week's them yet - just lovely!

  2. Quite a lot of direct action with that diagonal screaming across the page! Much more dynamic than previously; nice change of pace.
    I really like the position and angle the Rabbit ends up in here... and will the Mouse survive? ~just barely hanging on it seems...
    ... yeah, those balloons can take you for quite a ride if you're not ready for them.
    I like the Rabbit's expression as well; focused and stunned.

  3. Love your illo! You're characters are very lovable.

  4. Nice work! The elevation of love.
    The little balloon focal point really pulls you up....Great sweeping movement with the diagonals. i can't wait to see what happens next

  5. This is just too adorable. Love the angle.

  6. So sweet! Love the movement and perspective!! Yes, just beautiful.

  7. your characters are adorable. love the view here! xo

  8. Hi Mardi,
    This is great! Love your characters...they are so sweet! Thanks for your comment! Working on the thesis and getting ready for San Fran. Can't wait to hear Vivienne Flesher!! Miss all you guys...

  9. LOVE IT! Great movement and so adorable!

  10. Love your continuing theme Mardi! Your characters are so full of life and so fun! I see a book in the making :o) Great work....bravo!

  11. Great sense of action on this...nice perspective...
